Great Are You Lord

Great are you Lord!

This is the most perfect statement to summarize our day today and we want to worship our God Almighty as the angels did in Isaiah 6:3:

 "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!"

This morning during an amazing breakfast, Pastor Chase, myself, and Elder Fermin, had a meeting with Pastor Benedito to hear about his vision and how it's aligned with our church's desire to preach the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus in all the corners of the world. The privilege our church has to make a difference in Mozambique is huge and we can’t wait to share about Pastor Benedito's hopes and desires.

After that we had another opportunity to rejoice in God’s creation as we were animal searching at Krueger Park. What an awesome God we serve and all of us were praising Him for the excellence of His work.

The feeling and realization all of us had was that we are so small in a so big world but at the same time knowing we all have the same purpose to give Jesus all the glory.

Then we crossed back over the boarder back into Mozambique and God blessed us with as smooth immigration process from South Africa to Mozambique.

Our journey here in Africa is almost done. So many stories, experiences and blessings that we will remember forever, but we still have one more full day and we all want to continue sharing the Gospel to as many people as possible.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we all can assure how great is our God.
Quick note from Pastor Chase: Like Pastor Valmir wrote, tomorrow is our final full day here in Mozambique before we begin the long journey back home.  Consequently, tomorrow will the final blog post from this side of the pond, and then we'll have one final post on either Friday or Saturday.  Tomorrow's post you'll hear from every one of our team members from our church and how this trip impacted them!  

You won't want to miss it!
Check out these pictures from today!
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1 Comment

Linda Poling - July 9th, 2024 at 7:48pm

Isaiah 6:3 says it all!! Only a Holy God could create all of this---and the beauriful people of Mozanbique and Gaza!!!
