Behind the Lens

Hi everyone! Michka again!

The morning started with most of the team heading out to encourage some of the leaders of the churches Pastor Benedito leads in Gaza. Chase and Maggie took the lead on teaching while the rest of us played with the kids outside.

We brought a bunch of activities, and the kids loved chasing bubbles and coloring together. It’s incredible how five kids would share one coloring sheet with such willingness and pure excitement to be part of something. No arguing or fighting over “it’s mine.” They understood it was for them, and they gladly shared it.

The rest of the team spent time at the compound packing and organizing all the donations and gifts while others went over to paint Pastor Benedito’s house.

Lunch was extra special today as the ladies all sat together and chatted with the beautiful women who have been graciously serving us at the compound. Over lunch, we laughed, shared bits of our own cultures, and spoke about what God has been doing in their lives. It was really special to sit together as friends and family. It’s not our church and their church, it’s the Church coming together to share and do God’s work for His people.

The afternoon felt like a girls' day as we all headed out to the women’s seminar. From Maranta’s powerful testimony that touched so many women, to Arianna and Micaiah sharing about praise with joyous singing, Donna opening up and sharing on surrender, and Amanda providing practical tools about raising children to love God – it was a power hour for sure. Though time was limited, God still moved in a big way.

Capturing these moments through photography gives a unique perspective. Walking among the crowds and seeing everything from different angles, you get to notice details and reactions that might otherwise go unnoticed. It’s a blessing to witness and document the hunger and thirst for God at the nightly crusades, from the stage to the crowds.

A particularly touching moment today was seeing little Hezekiah lay his hands on other children as he prayed with his father, even shouting “Amen.” It’s incredibly encouraging to see parents allowing God to use their children in such powerful ways, challenging us to consider how we will raise our kids one day. No one is too small to be used by God, and everyone’s role is important.

God sees everyone. He doesn’t miss a person, a circumstance, a prayer, or a cry. If my two weak eyes (I need spectacles at all times) can notice a lady joyfully praising in a full crowd with little light and space, then of course, the God who created the heavens and the earth notices His children. It’s why He orchestrated for a church from across the world to come and serve a village in Africa. How beautiful is that? To know that He knows, has a plan for all His people, and uses us to be His hands and feet executing His plans.

Tonight’s crusade included a skit directed by Reed, which the crowd absolutely loved. It set the stage for Chase to bring the Word. The crusades are always a mix of dancing, praising, and lines full of people seeking prayer. There is something about gathering on the field in Chaimite that cannot be explained but will one day be seen as we continue to witness this community grow and flourish in Jesus' name.

On a personal note, Adi and I hadn’t seen most of the team in just over a year. Seeing how every single person has stepped up and stepped out over these past few days has been amazing. This growth and commitment are not just because of being here – it’s a reflection of what’s happening back home at The Corners. We know something big is happening, full of growth and an army of people praying and cheering each other on. Well done, church!
Check out some pictures from today!
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Linda Poling - July 6th, 2024 at 8:00pm

Wow!! No words could begin to convey the goodness if God, the lives changed (those from Africa and those from Ohio), how God ALWAYS works, how even Hezzy's life is loved and changed, etc. Like yesterday, there are no words. Halleluiah and amen!!

Willa Eichelman - July 7th, 2024 at 9:37am

Amen! A beautiful msg. I love all the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️