Pray Hard, Play Hard - Pt. 2

Pray Hard, Play Hard - Pt. 2

Note* - Today was so packed we have two blog posts today.  This is part two!
Ariana here! Have you ever gone to a place, gotten there, and it was totally different than what you were expecting but better than you ever could’ve planned yourself? Like, seriously so much better than anything you could’ve dreamed up yourself?!!! That is exactly what happened tonight!
Tonight, we went back to Pastor Maulidio's church for what we thought was one thing and turned out to be something else. We thought the six of us from our Corners Chapel music team were meeting up for a joint  rehearsal with the Mozambique music team.  And then we throught everyone else would be finalizing plans for the VBS we are having tomorrow. The plan was to get in and out quickly due to a service the church was hosting in the evening. We were even hoping to have some team debrief time in the evening.

But God planned otherwise.

Rehearsal turned into a mini praise and worship night! And while we were rehearsing, dozens of people started flooding into the church and Jochua (the leader of the youth ministry our church supports) came up on stage and said, we are about to begin service. The Holy Spirit was MOVING mightily, y’all!
Worshiping in Portuguese and English was an anointed experience. Shout out to the Soares Family for being our tutors and helping us with the songs in Portuguese, for weeks leading up to the trip.

10 minutes before the service, Pastor Chase found out he was preaching, but again, the Holy Spirit was moving. As my dad says, “You don’t have to get ready when you are ready.”

Pastor Chase preached and encouraged both the Mozambican team as well as the American team in fighting the good fight and finishing the race, as Paul writes about in Philippians and 2 Timothy. What a blessing it is to have a family across the world united by the cross. Thank you, Jesus!
Towards the end of the service, there was a charge for both teams to pray with each other, regardless of the language barrier. Almost the entire congregation came forward and was submerged in prayer! As we were praying, a woman fell out during the prayer. When I saw her, she wasn’t moving at all, although other team members saw her later convulsing and making strange noises. I have not fully processed it yet, and I know we will see more of this, especially as we head to Gaza later this week. All we could do was pray...and thank God for the outlet we have to sit at His feet.
The service ended with music and dancing and when I tell y’all Mr. Scott Schmocker broke it DOWN in front of the congregation y’all!!!! What a glorious way to end the service.
I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and the amount we have already learned from our brothers and sisters here. This trip is already greater than I could’ve imagined, and it is only day four!!! I LOVE IT HERE AND I AM FILLED WITH JOY, PRAISE JESUS!!! My head is resting on Lamentations 3 tonight – “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”
Also, Momma Jones wants to send a special shoutout to her hubby, Big Dawwwgggg – Happy Birthday!!!! Since the two of them wed on a hot summer night in ’90, this is the first birthday they have spent apart. We love you, Big Dawg – Happy Birthday, Dad sending all the Mozambique love your way :) 
Check out some pictures from the second half of the day! 
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Beverly Pettway - July 1st, 2024 at 7:02pm

Exciting update, Ariana! Sounds like a very interesting and anointed service last night. Thank you for sharing the “more-than-you-imagined” impact of the trip right from the start!

Kristen van Dyck - July 1st, 2024 at 7:14pm

Beautiful pictures!!!! Please keep them coming. I look forward to every blog post you share. Thank you for being a part of God’s beautiful work in a special place that He is working 💛

Willa Eichelman - July 2nd, 2024 at 5:34am

Thank you, Ari for the spirit filled update. God has a way of surprising us all. Love the pictures. ❤️

Linda Poling - July 2nd, 2024 at 8:13am

Thanks, Ariana, for sharing; and showing us how God sets the agenda and changes all things for His purposes. Thank you, again!!

Alanna Reed - July 2nd, 2024 at 8:49am

Praising God for this update - “Now to HIM who is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS power that is at work within US, to HIM be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬-‭21‬

Adrian - July 4th, 2024 at 6:40am

Happy birthday, Big Dawg!!! Thank you all for the encouraging blogposts. Praying for you all!