Already here...but not yet
We made it to Africa, but we’re not done traveling yet!

There’s a theological concept called “the already, not yet” that we talk about often in our church. In theological terms this points to the fact that because we’re living in between the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus’ first coming and the amazing promises that will accompany his return, we’re living in “the in-between.” We know God’s promises to His people are secured, but we’re awaiting their future fulfillment.
Well, that’s kind of where we are on our trip! We’ve already made it Africa, but we’re not done traveling yet!
The looooong leg of the journey is over and guess what, it wasn’t too bad! Also, we randomly were placed on Delta's Team USA flight! (Still not sure what that means, but yay!?)
I put some of our team on the spot and asked them what they would say about the flight.
Here were there answers:
It wasn’t bad, it was fine. Lots of movies.
- Laney (who fell asleep 20 minutes into every movie she watched)
Fastest flight of my life.
- Micaiah (who slept for 13 hours straight)
Peanut allergies get you early boarding.
- Ariana (who is allergic to pineapple)
I didn’t scream when we landed this time.
- Donna (who screamed on the landing of the first flight)
I’ve got nothing good on the spot.
- Josh Keyes
After getting our bags (they all made it to Johannesburg!) We all loaded into a shuttle and rode to a hotel in South Africa.
Well, that’s kind of where we are on our trip! We’ve already made it Africa, but we’re not done traveling yet!
The looooong leg of the journey is over and guess what, it wasn’t too bad! Also, we randomly were placed on Delta's Team USA flight! (Still not sure what that means, but yay!?)
I put some of our team on the spot and asked them what they would say about the flight.
Here were there answers:
It wasn’t bad, it was fine. Lots of movies.
- Laney (who fell asleep 20 minutes into every movie she watched)
Fastest flight of my life.
- Micaiah (who slept for 13 hours straight)
Peanut allergies get you early boarding.
- Ariana (who is allergic to pineapple)
I didn’t scream when we landed this time.
- Donna (who screamed on the landing of the first flight)
I’ve got nothing good on the spot.
- Josh Keyes
After getting our bags (they all made it to Johannesburg!) We all loaded into a shuttle and rode to a hotel in South Africa.
Claudia Soares and Momma Jones will be heading out early (3AM!) to catch the first flight to Maputo where they well be headlining a women’s conference! Claudia will be speaking on the role of women in the family, and Momma Jones will be speaking about the difference between the local and global church. They are excited and both covet your prayers!

While they're waking up early to go do the Lord's work, the rest of us will enjoy a full night’s sleep, have a great breakfast, and then head back to the airport. There, we'll meet up with Adi & Michka, two former staff members from our church who live in South Africa. Then, they will join us for our final flight to Maputo!
Then, after we get settled into what will be our homes for the next few days, and meet up with Momma Jones and Claudia, we'll stop the timer because the travel portion of our journey will be completely over. But we know that’s when the journey really begins.
Then, after we get settled into what will be our homes for the next few days, and meet up with Momma Jones and Claudia, we'll stop the timer because the travel portion of our journey will be completely over. But we know that’s when the journey really begins.
Check out a few pictures below from yesterday and today:
- Premala & Claudia speaking at the Women’s ministry conference Saturday morning.
- Pray that God would give them boldness, clarity, and the seeds planted will take root.
- Sunday morning, we’ll be going to four churches. Myself (Chase), Pastor Valmir, Fermin Gomez, and Scott Schmocker will all be preaching.
- Again, Pray that God would give us boldness, clarity, and that the seeds planted will take root.
- Pray for continued unity and safety for our team. And that God will prepare the fields for the harvest over this upcoming week that is loaded with ministry and evangelistic opportunities in both Maputo and Gaza!
Posted in Mozambique 2024
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