Africa Time or God's Time?
Africa Time or God's Time?

Hello, from the village of Gaza.
After what can only be described as a move of God in Maputo, we took the 4 hour journey to Gaza. It’s crazy to think that we’re half way through the journey and we’ve already learned, grown and experienced God in so many powerful ways.
There is a joke in Africa where we like to relate to being “late” as running on African time. Over our time in Maputo we’ve had so many moments where it seemed like we were late, running over time or changing what we had scheduled. But each time that has led us to moments that were so much bigger than what we expected or had planned. From praying in homes, praying for healing over strangers, having a full on spontaneous service and just lingering longer in Gods presence, African time has proven to make room for more (of God, connecting, conversing, praying.)
After a long day on the road we spent the rest of the day and evening at the compound. The one thing that absolutely stuck out to me was that when we were in conversation as a group, almost everyone related back to “we had this conversation in our car.” I think it’s such an incredible thing to know that even in the cars God is stirring up conversations that are not only connecting the team but also drawing us closer to Him. Of course there are lots of laughs and endless riddles too on our rides, but ultimately it’s been a place of fellowship.
After dinner we sat and shared about spiritual warfare as we prepare for the days ahead. Expectations are high and we pray that you will be expectant with us too. God is going to heal people, people will be set free and the gospel will reach new corners these next few days.
After what can only be described as a move of God in Maputo, we took the 4 hour journey to Gaza. It’s crazy to think that we’re half way through the journey and we’ve already learned, grown and experienced God in so many powerful ways.
There is a joke in Africa where we like to relate to being “late” as running on African time. Over our time in Maputo we’ve had so many moments where it seemed like we were late, running over time or changing what we had scheduled. But each time that has led us to moments that were so much bigger than what we expected or had planned. From praying in homes, praying for healing over strangers, having a full on spontaneous service and just lingering longer in Gods presence, African time has proven to make room for more (of God, connecting, conversing, praying.)
After a long day on the road we spent the rest of the day and evening at the compound. The one thing that absolutely stuck out to me was that when we were in conversation as a group, almost everyone related back to “we had this conversation in our car.” I think it’s such an incredible thing to know that even in the cars God is stirring up conversations that are not only connecting the team but also drawing us closer to Him. Of course there are lots of laughs and endless riddles too on our rides, but ultimately it’s been a place of fellowship.
After dinner we sat and shared about spiritual warfare as we prepare for the days ahead. Expectations are high and we pray that you will be expectant with us too. God is going to heal people, people will be set free and the gospel will reach new corners these next few days.
We were on the road for most of the day today so there's not many pictures, but you can see a few pictures below. But be sure to check out this short 14 second video from when some of our team was playing soccer outside of the compound with some of the local kids from the village right before dinner!
Posted in Mozambique 2024
The Gift of Seeking and Finding RefugeNeeded RestThe Lord is NearLessons in the DarknessWe will not fearWhere is my identity?The Power Behind the Armor of GodBoasting in Christ AloneWhat Does It Mean To Serve?Dying to Christ DailyThe Blessing at the BottomDoing & FeelingBring Your Tears to the LordSitting in MessyCreated in Christ for Good WorksFaithful Love is God's Multitude of MerciesCan't Stop, Won't Stop
This was from my morning Bible reading. May it be an encouragement to everyone:
n"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands."
nâ€â€Psalms‬ â€90‬:â€17‬ â€NIV‬‬
Read this late as we were praying at the Ministry Center for the entire team. All I can add, is that like Anslan is on the move, only it is God is on the move. (It always was God!!)