Hello Corners Chapel

Hello Corners Chapel

My name is Pastor Benedito Chiburre from Mozambique.

My wife is Lucia Chiburre. We have 5 children, which are, Raul, Gilda, Virginia, Benilcio and Vitoria, We are serving the Lord.

I write this to give thanks to The Corners Chapel that is supporting my family and ministry in Mozambique, we thank God for our partnership.  I also want to tell The Corners a little bit about me.  

My family is planting churches in the Gaza province of Mozambique.  We are, training people that are called by God as the scripture says ,Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-18.  We do crusades, evangelism, house by house visiting, and we go to hospitals and prisons sharing the good news of Christ,  We also have children ministry. They meet at church learning the Word of God, and we serve lunch for them, offering clothes.  This is special for those who have no parents.  We also take care of old people that have no relatives.  We go to their houses and pray with them teaching the word of God.  We clean for them, and fetch water.

I want ask The Corners Chapel to pray for us everyday day.

Our vision is: To make Jesus be known and see Him accepted in all the place of Mozambique.

This is my family sending greetings to all the brothers and sisters, and we are happy to welcome the team that is coming to see us this summer.  We are very excited to see you we believe that God will use you mighty,

I thank God for The Corners and for our partnership.

May the Holy Spirit continue to use you all mightily.

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