Posts with the category “mozambique-2024”

Behind the Lens
July 6th, 2024
Hi everyone! Michka again!The morning started with most of the team heading out to encourage some of the leaders of the churches Pastor Benedito leads in Gaza. Chase and Maggie took the lead on teachi...  Read More
by Michka Wilson
I Broke the Only Rule in an African Prison
July 5th, 2024
There’s a line from the original Willy Wonka movie that I think about often: "For some moments in life there are no words." I honestly can’t even remember the exact context in which the line is uttere...  Read More
by Pastor Chase
Hoyo Hoyo, from Chaimite
July 4th, 2024
Hey, Josh Keyes here!Hoyo Hoyo (Welcome in the Changana language) from Chaimite!Our first day in Gaza was an AMAZING start to our time here. It was incredible to see all the ways God moved in Maputo, ...  Read More
by Josh Keyes
Africa Time or God's Time?
July 3rd, 2024
Hello, from the village of Gaza.After what can only be described as a move of God in Maputo, we took the 4 hour journey to Gaza. It’s crazy to think that we’re half way through the journey and we’ve a...  Read More
by Michka Wilson
New Proudest Dad Moment Unlocked
July 2nd, 2024
Okay, warning: this one might be a little more personal, but I’ve got to share it.More on that in a second. Today was another great day! We started off this morning with some much-needed team time. Th...  Read More
by Pastor Chase
Pray Hard, Play Hard - Pt. 2
July 1st, 2024
Note* - Today was so packed we have two blog posts today.  This is part two! Ariana here! Have you ever gone to a place, gotten there, and it was totally different than what you were expecting but bet...  Read More
by Ariana Scott
Pray Hard, Play Hard - Pt. 1
July 1st, 2024
Note* - Today's day was so packed we have two blog posts today.  This is part one! Hi, it’s Michka - so excited to be back with the team. If we’ve never met, last year my husband and I had the honor o...  Read More
by Michka Wilson
We Are Family
June 30th, 2024
If you read the title of this blog post and started singing to yourself, “We are fam-i-ly. I’ve got all my sisters and me!” then you’re welcome.  If you weren’t singing it before, I bet you are now.  ...  Read More
by Amanda Jones
48 hours.
June 29th, 2024
We’re here! We have made it to Mozambique.After the world’s shortest flight from Johannesburg to Maputo (seriously, the plane was beginning its descent before the onboard snacks were even served), we ...  Read More
by Pastor Chase
Already here...but not yet
June 28th, 2024
There’s a theological concept called “the already, not yet” that we talk about often in our church.  In theological terms this points to the fact that because we’re living in between the death, burial...  Read More
by Pastor Chase
How long does it take to get to Mozambique?
June 27th, 2024
Any guesses?As our team set out from the Ministry Center in Northfield, Ohio, we set a timer on one phone, and we won’t press stop until we are all completely checked in and settled in Maputo. That wa...  Read More
by Pastor Chase
T'was The Night Before Moz
June 26th, 2024
Well, our trip is finally here!  Tomorrow marks the start of our journey across the sea.Like on Christmas Eve, the excitement in the air is palpable.  And as our bags are packed, sitting in the dim li...  Read More
by Pastor Chase