Hoyo Hoyo, from Chaimite

Hey, Josh Keyes here!
Hoyo Hoyo (Welcome in the Changana language) from Chaimite!
Our first day in Gaza was an AMAZING start to our time here. It was incredible to see all the ways God moved in Maputo, and we've just continued to be amazed at the works He is doing here in Gaza.
We started off the morning with a great breakfast in the compound and a devotional from Maranata...whose birthday also happens to be today! Happy Birthday Nana! Then we were off to our first event of the day - visiting the agriculture fields in Chibuto.
We were immediately greeted by about 20 women and a few men who sang a few songs of greeting and praise for us! Their singing was beautiful and it was such a blessing to see the joy on their faces. They took us down to see their pump, which draws water up from the river. They explained that sometimes the river can get so low when it is dry that they have to dig down to find water. It can also get so high that they have to move the position of the pump to higher ground. The water that is pumped there goes up to get filtered and then is sent out to all the 14 acres of crops and fruit trees that make up the agriculture fields.
We walked along some of the fields and saw all the various crops they've been growing, including papayas, mangos, bananas, lettuce, tomatoes, beans, and many other fruits and vegetables. The women explained that the presence of these fields has transformed their lives. Before the fields were added, many of them were malnourished and had grown weak. But since then, they have received better nourishment and are more joyful. Praise God for the transformation their village has experienced!
Once we were able to find some shade, Ariana, Ada, Mason, and Mama Jones all shared encouragement with the women there and they continued to sing for us. They also sang happy birthday for Maranata and sang as we drove away. The joy of the Lord truly was in them!
Hoyo Hoyo (Welcome in the Changana language) from Chaimite!
Our first day in Gaza was an AMAZING start to our time here. It was incredible to see all the ways God moved in Maputo, and we've just continued to be amazed at the works He is doing here in Gaza.
We started off the morning with a great breakfast in the compound and a devotional from Maranata...whose birthday also happens to be today! Happy Birthday Nana! Then we were off to our first event of the day - visiting the agriculture fields in Chibuto.
We were immediately greeted by about 20 women and a few men who sang a few songs of greeting and praise for us! Their singing was beautiful and it was such a blessing to see the joy on their faces. They took us down to see their pump, which draws water up from the river. They explained that sometimes the river can get so low when it is dry that they have to dig down to find water. It can also get so high that they have to move the position of the pump to higher ground. The water that is pumped there goes up to get filtered and then is sent out to all the 14 acres of crops and fruit trees that make up the agriculture fields.
We walked along some of the fields and saw all the various crops they've been growing, including papayas, mangos, bananas, lettuce, tomatoes, beans, and many other fruits and vegetables. The women explained that the presence of these fields has transformed their lives. Before the fields were added, many of them were malnourished and had grown weak. But since then, they have received better nourishment and are more joyful. Praise God for the transformation their village has experienced!
Once we were able to find some shade, Ariana, Ada, Mason, and Mama Jones all shared encouragement with the women there and they continued to sing for us. They also sang happy birthday for Maranata and sang as we drove away. The joy of the Lord truly was in them!

After lunch, we split up into groups. Once group went to support Scott and Fermin as they led a baptism class for men and women who will be getting baptized on Sunday morning. There are around 30 planned baptisms for Sunday! As we waited for people to arrive, we were able to help with some setup for the Crusade that took place this evening (more on that later). Then Scott and Fermin walked the men and women there through the who, what, when, why, and how of baptism as Pastor Benedito translated into Changana. There were some great questions that came up about what baptism looks like for people who have already been baptized, and what role the Holy Spirit has in baptism. Fermin, Scott, and Pastor Valmir were able to help answer these and encourage the people before Sunday.
At the same time, some of the women from our group joined in a discipleship group for local women and encouraged them in faith. Micaiah, Michka, and Claudia gave devotionals and encouragements to the women, who responded well and appreciated the time we were able to have with them.
We then all got together and drove out to visit each of the local churches in Mukotwene and Macaluane. We got to pray for each of the churches and the communities around them. It was encouraging for us to see each church, including the newest church in Macaluane, which just opened this year!
Finally, we had our first Crusade in Gaza. Hundreds of people showed up to participate in worship, watch a gospel-centered movie in Portuguese, and hear Pastor Valmir preach the gospel. Many people came forward to accept Christ after Pastor Valmir finished and our team got to pray over every one of them. It was a truly special event, and just the first of three Crusades we'll be helping with while we are in Gaza. It is so special for us to get to see God moving so tangibly in the hearts of people here. We cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!
At the same time, some of the women from our group joined in a discipleship group for local women and encouraged them in faith. Micaiah, Michka, and Claudia gave devotionals and encouragements to the women, who responded well and appreciated the time we were able to have with them.
We then all got together and drove out to visit each of the local churches in Mukotwene and Macaluane. We got to pray for each of the churches and the communities around them. It was encouraging for us to see each church, including the newest church in Macaluane, which just opened this year!
Finally, we had our first Crusade in Gaza. Hundreds of people showed up to participate in worship, watch a gospel-centered movie in Portuguese, and hear Pastor Valmir preach the gospel. Many people came forward to accept Christ after Pastor Valmir finished and our team got to pray over every one of them. It was a truly special event, and just the first of three Crusades we'll be helping with while we are in Gaza. It is so special for us to get to see God moving so tangibly in the hearts of people here. We cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Posted in Mozambique 2024
The Gift of Seeking and Finding RefugeNeeded RestThe Lord is NearLessons in the DarknessWe will not fearWhere is my identity?The Power Behind the Armor of GodBoasting in Christ AloneWhat Does It Mean To Serve?Dying to Christ DailyThe Blessing at the BottomDoing & FeelingBring Your Tears to the LordSitting in MessyCreated in Christ for Good WorksFaithful Love is God's Multitude of MerciesCan't Stop, Won't Stop
God never ceases to amaze me!! His mercies, plan, purposes,etc. are "new" every moment. GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!!
As i read the blogs you have posted, I am awestruck at the workings of God. Despite poverty and difficulties, the church thrives. This country, once labeled the Dark Continent, reveals that God's love has pierced that darkness and there is light.
nI cannot vicariously live your experiences, they seem as foreign to me as the land you are visiting.
nBut each blog, fills my heart with joy and hope. Joy because you are seeing God work in your midst. Joy because you are experiencing that ONE body of Christ. Joy because your experiences are not changing you, Christ is.
nHope, because you are coming back to us as the disciples returned to Jesus after having been sent out. They returned with joy and amazement at the exploits of the Holy Spirit through them.
nWe await your return for that great homecoming. And that the Holy Spirit may inspire us as well.
nHappy Birthday Nana, Love you!
nExcitement builds as you progress.
nWe love you each and every one in Christ.
Just a quick reply to Jonathan's comments. Halleluiah and Amen!! So true--great is God and His faithfulness. And hoping and praying that Nana had a great birthday!!
Thank you so much for sharing your day. God does provide in amazing ways.
Continuing to enjoy the posts and hearing about the power of God moving through all of you. To God be the glory! Happy birthday, Nana!🎈