Participate in various activities such as reading, memorizing Bible passages, and community service to earn points for your team. Check out the full list of activities below by clicking on the icons and their point values.  Then submit your points by clicking on the "Submit Points" button below. Every point brings your team closer to victory!


Engage with Scripture through memorization and daily reading.

Church Participation

Get involved in church life by inviting others and assisting with special events.

Reading (outside of the Bible)

Expand your knowledge and understanding by reading books from our curated lists. (Readings lists for all ages)

Kids & Family

Engage in family activities and help out at home to earn points.


Serve others through church-organized projects and learn about global missions.

Health & Fitness

Promote physical well-being through various health and fitness activities.

Bonus Points

Earn extra points for team spirit, creativity, and exceptional effort.
Keep up the great work and continue to earn points through our various activities. Remember, every point counts towards your team’s success! Let’s cheer each other on and strive for excellence in all we do.