Recommended Churches

Below is a list of churches we recommend as part of Kingdom Connection Sunday. This is not an exhaustive list—there are many wonderful gospel-centered churches in our area! Just because a church is not listed here doesn’t mean we disagree doctrinally or don’t value their ministry.
In creating this list, we’ve kept a few key considerations in mind:
  1. Are they gospel-centered and bible-teaching?
  2. Do we (or our leadership) have a relationship with the lead pastor or leadership team?
  3. Do they reflect a range of multi-ethnic and multigenerational representation?
We intentionally kept this list short, highlighting seven established churches and seven church plants to give you a variety of options. We pray this resource helps you connect with the broader body of Christ and see His Kingdom at work!
Established Churches

Church Plants (Portable)
How to find a good church to visit:
If you’re still not sure which church to visit, don’t worry! The article below is geared toward those looking for a new permanent church home (and we hope that’s not anyone here at The Corners Chapel!). These tips can also help if you’re deciding where to visit for Kingdom Connection Sunday. As you read, we pray that you’ll see these same characteristics reflected in our own church, as we strive to be a gospel-centered, multiethnic, multigenerational community rooted in God’s Word and committed to making disciples who make disciples.